Les gens du Polaris: hommage à Stompin' Tom Connors
Mercredi dernier, 6 mars 2013, Stompin' Tom Connors est décédé à l'âge de 77 ans de cause naturelle. Considéré comme l'un des musiciens les plus marquants de notre pays, les hommages se font nombreux depuis l'annonce de son décès.
Tom a été surnommé le Woodie Guthrie du Canada, le patriote ultime, un icône punk rock hors du commun et l'un de nos plus grands poêtes.
Dave Bidini a écrit un texte élogieux à son égard dans le National Post, tandis que plusieurs sites web sportifs ont décidé d'investiguer sa chanson “The Hockey Songâ€, afin de découvrir si la partie dont il fait mention a bel et bien eu lieu. Même le New York Times a imprimé une nécrologie en son honneur.
Ce n'est pas surprenant que plusieurs gens du Polaris sont aussi très affectés par la triste nouvelle, et ont partagé leur amour pour le Stomper via Twitter.
R.I.P. Stompin' Tom Connors
Stomp on.
— Joel Plaskett (@jplaskett) March 7, 2013
R.I.P. Stompin’ Tom Connors. twitter.com/themusicofzeus…
— Zeus (@themusicofzeus) March 7, 2013
Rest In Peace Stompin’ Tom Connors. A true inspiration to every Canadian musician. instagram.com/p/Wij1aNhliB/
— Arts & Crafts (@artsandcrafts) March 7, 2013
Thanks Stompin’ Tom.
— Sarah Harmer (@sarah_harmer) March 7, 2013
rip.stompin' tom. i'll never forget meeting him at the socan awards. “that was a great number, son.â€
— Derek was D-Sisive (@dsisive) March 7, 2013
RIP stompin’ tom connors. you shall be missed, sir.
— Corb Lund (@CorbLund) March 7, 2013
Stompin’ Tom
— Jenn Grant (@jenngrantmusic) March 7, 2013
We will miss you, Stompin’ Tom Connors.
— Paper Bag Records (@PaperBagRecords) March 7, 2013
Damn. RIP Stompin’ Tom: youtube.com/watch?v=HtySGS…
— Nick Thorburn (@NickfromIslands) March 7, 2013
Was not a novelty songwriter but a chronicler of Canada. #RIP Stompin Tom Connors, didn’t just get hockey right, sang about working folks.
— NXNE(@nxne) March 7, 2013
— Buck 65 (@Buck65) March 7, 2013
I’m so proud to be from the #brightredmud RIP Stompin Tom you brilliant man. #sosad
— Rose Cousins (@rosecousins) March 7, 2013
Reggie’s got the rig
— Junior Boys (Jeremy) (@Juniorboys) March 7, 2013
RIP Stompin Tom
— Cancer Bats (@cancerbats) March 7, 2013
We are all very sad to hear of the passing of Stompin’ Tom Connors. He was an inspiration to us all, and especially to the Rheostatics. RIP.
— Six Shooter Records (@SixShooterR) March 7, 2013
RIP stompin’ tom
— Cadence Weapon (@cadenceweapon) March 7, 2013
So sad to wake up and hear that #StompinTom has left us. He will be sadly missed. Thanks for the tunes. He is #OneTrueCanadian
— Elliott BROOD (@ElliottBROOD) March 7, 2013
Stompin Tom Connors, may you rest in peace at the Gumboot Cloggeroo in the sky.
— Plants and Animals (@plantandanimal) March 7, 2013
Tony found this online – what an amazing piece of Canadiana. Stompin’ Tom was a true legend. youtube.com/watch?v=xTLlRE…
— Great Lake Swimmers (@GreatLakeSwim) March 8, 2013
I still remember the speech I gave about Stompin’ Tom Connors at a Grade 6 assembly on famous Canadians. My heart goes out his family.
— Tegan and Sara (@teganandsara) March 7, 2013
Saddened to hear about the passing of Stompin’ Tom Connors. Thanks for all the great music. #toitandatit youtube.com/watch?v=LVjWCw…
— Two Hours Traffic (@twohourstraffic) March 7, 2013