Countdown to Polaris Gala
Long List / TBA
Short List / TBA
Polaris Gala / Sep 16
Heritage Prize / TBA



Polaris People For The Week Of Feb. 24 ““ Fucked Up Party Times, Shad Drum Lessons, Arcade Fire Crushes And More

· by Aaron Brophy

That tingle you're feeling right now isn't allergies or spring fever, it's your sub-conscious reminding you that we're this close to announcing the official Polaris Long List, Short List and Awards Gala dates.

Behind the scenes jurors have begun flicking through their albums, arguing amongst each other, and asking that all-important question, “Who are you picking?â€

To help answer that question music fans might want to check out our two remaining Half Year In Review Salons, happening Feb. 25 in Montreal and Feb. 29 in Toronto, or the recently announced Salon with The Slakadeliqs in Toronto on March 6.

Meanwhile, there were many fascinating happenings in the Polaris universe for the week of Feb. 24. Here are some of them:

2009 Polaris champs Fucked Up have been busy, telling Now Magazine about their legendary (infamous?) Halloween show at Toronto tastemaker event Wavelength AND rocking out on a giant boat with Neil Hamburger.

Dan Bejar, better known as a double-Short Lister for Destroyer and The New Pornographers, may see his Points Gray collaboration with Robert Dayton (Canned Hamm) and Julian Lawrence (July Fourth Toilet) finally get released.

According to an interview in Playboy, Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman has a crush on the women of the Arcade Fire. Read that article for the article here.

Hour recently profiled 2008 Short List nominees Plants And Animals complete with a Led Zeppelin analogy. It'll make you want to listen to side three of “Physical Graffitti.â€

Old Prince and double Short-Lister Shadrach Kabango took some drumming lessons in London recently. He also squashed the competition at Canada Reads.

2007 winner Patrick Watson has announced a new tour. And even Deadheads are excited about it. Meanwhile, Kathleen Edwards has just started her tour of the U.K.

Blade Runner is apparently the inspiration for the new Metric album “Synthetica†and Black Mountain have done the soundtrack to the apocalyptic surf film (?!) Year Zero. Wouldn't it be great if the new Hey Rosetta! EP was about Mad Max?

Austra just covered Robyn, A.C. Newman just covered Leonard Cohen, and Joel Plaskett just got covered by the Arkells.

Finally, a special 21-guitar solo salute goes out to the I(heart)music blog, which closed up shop on Feb. 14.


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