Countdown to Polaris Gala
Long List / TBA
Short List / TBA
Polaris Gala / Sep 16
Heritage Prize / TBA



Polaris People For The Week Of February 1: Colin Stetson's Throb & Drake's Fresh Princess

· by Aaron Brophy

So, Beyonce recently had to prove to everyone she knows how to sing.

It was an effective but melodramatic way for her to let everyone know she’s not the lip-syncing phony who pantomimed “The Star-Spangled Banner” at President Barack Obama’s inauguration.

How is it, though, that when these things happen, “television” never gets any share of the blame? After all, it’s usually at least partially responsible when artists pull off the fakey on screen.

Whatever. You know who aren’t fakers? The Polaris People. Here’s what some of them were up to this week:

In the Polaris People meet-up department, here’s former Polaris champ Damian Abraham from Fucked Up interviewing 2012 Short List nominees Japandroids. And getting trapped in the closet. (It makes sense if you watch it).

In more Polaris People meet-up department news, here’s 2012 Short Listers YAMANTAKA//SONIC TITAN being remixed by 2012 Long Listers Young Galaxy. You can download that business.

While we’re still hovering around 2012 nominees, Drake‘s been busy lately. He had a mini-Degrassi reunion, he helped host King Of The Dot, and he was spotted getting close to Tatyana Ali, also known as Ashley Banks from The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air. Clearly he’s been up to no good in a number of neighborhoods.

Suggestion time. We’d like to hear a Kathleen Edwards supercut featuring every instance of stage banter she’s uttered from the stage involving insulting professional sports teams. Like the Boston Bruins.

Either that or you could listen to 2011 Short Lister Ron Sexmith ponder mortality.

Or you could read about Joel Plaskett coming to terms with the devil known as “the internet.”

Or, or, and this might be a better use of your time depending on your perspective about these things, you could help Sarah Harmer prevent oil pipelines being built in her ‘hood.

The Sadies (2010 Short List, 2008 Long List) probably won’t have time to help out. They apparently have three separate albums coming out this year, including one with Gord Downie.

We can’t decide what part of Colin Stetson‘s New History Warfare Vol. 3: To See More Light album we’re more excited about, the “saxophonic sludge metal,” the “Cookie Monster barking” or the “ambient grindcore throb.”

And finally, for those of you who stumbled upon this column and aren’t active followers of contemporary music and music media, the twin sister duo Tegan And Sara have officially released their seventh album, Heartthrob. It’s a thing. As such, folks like Edmonton Journal, CBC, Huffington Post Music Canada, Yahoo, Spinner and, um, Andy Samberg (see below) have been featuring the pair.


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