Countdown to Polaris Gala
Long List / TBA
Short List / TBA
Polaris Gala / Sep 16
Heritage Prize / TBA



Searchlight! Don't vote for us!

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We are, of course, honoured to have been nominated for this award and we must thank whoever put us forward for consideration. But here’s the thing. Or things.

1) We do think our site’s pretty awesome. But so many do it so much better with more regularity. We suggest you peep BangBang, ChartAttack, ChippedHip, Chromewaves, CokeMachineGlow, ExploreMusic, FromBlownSpeakers, HeroHill, i(Heart)Music, MidnightPoutine, NXeW, QuickBeforeItMelts, RadioFreeCanuckistan, SaidTheGrammophone, Soundproof, TinyMixTapes, and Zoilus. And those are just the ones that are also on our jury. You could also visit the sites of any of our nominees from the past, also linked in this here site, as are our those of our jury members. Make sure you have an hour or two of discovery time to kill.

2) Our fearful leader Steve was somehow the first to make the suggestion to Radio 3 to honour websites as this year’s Search Light. Grant Lawrence event interviewed him about it. It wouldn’t feel right to accept a vote for something we helped to instigate.

Also, awarding an award to an award might make the earth implode. And we can’t have that.


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