Countdown to Gala
Long List / Jun 11
Short List / Jul 11
Polaris Gala / Sep 17
Heritage Prize / Oct TBA



Short List announcement tomorrow!

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We probably don’t need to remind you that tomorrow is a big day. There’s a nice bold countdown clock right at the top to do that. But it’s such a big day we’ll say it anyway: less than 24 hours remain until the announcement of the Polaris Music Prize Short List. Join us tomorrow morning at 11 am EST on SIRIUS Satellite Radio Canada's CBC Radio 3 channel 86, which brings you live coverage of the press conference from the Drake Hotel in Toronto. We’ll reveal not only the 10 nominated albums but also details of the award gala happening Sept. 21 and how it will be broadcast so that even more of you can see the incredible show. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Polaris Short List prediction pools!


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