Countdown to Gala
Long List / Jun 11
Short List / Jul 11
Polaris Gala / Sep 17
Heritage Prize / Oct TBA



Harmonium, Glenn Gould In Focus For Polaris Podcast EP12

Glenn Gould’s Bach: The Goldberg Variations and Harmonium’s L’Heptade.

For Polaris Podcast episode 12 we focus on two albums that recently received Slaight Family Polaris Heritage Prize hall of fame designation — Glenn Gould’s Bach: The Goldberg Variations and Harmonium’s L’Heptade.

CBC’s Katherine Duncan noted the then-very unusual decision the late-Gould made to not perform live.

“He decided. OK, I’m just going to go into the studio and I’ll only be a recording artist. I think he was probably the first classical person to do that. Pretty rare,” said Duncan.

Some consider Harmonium’s L’Heptade “Quebec’s Dark Side Of The Moon.”

According to the band’s Louis Valois, it was about being part of Quebec’s culture.

“Singing in French, expressing ourselves in French was the thing. We did it because we’re a part of the culture of Quebec,” he said.

The Polaris Podcast is available in iTunes, Google Play, Soundcloud, Spotify, and on podcast distribution services such as Acast, Overcast, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, Pod Knife and TuneIn.

Listen to the episode now


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