Countdown to Polaris Gala
Long List / TBA
Short List / TBA
Polaris Gala / Sep 16
Heritage Prize / TBA



Polaris People For The Week Of February 15: Awards Updates & NSFW Videos

· by Aaron Brophy

We don’t live in a bubble here in Polarisland. So we’re pretty excited to congratulate First Aid Kit on winning the third annual Nordic Music Prize for their album, The Lion’s Roar. Likewise, mazel tov to Drake for winning the best rap album Grammy Award and being so excited about it he ripped his outfit apart Hulk-style.

A reminder, the SiriusXM Indies are just a month away. Oh, and have you seen the nominees for the first-ever Prism Prize? It’s going to celebrate the best in Canadian music videos. There are more than a few names that’ll be familiar to Polaris watchers.

It’s all about celebrating music, right? Let’s get to it in our own special way by checking in on what our favourite people, the Polaris People, got up to this week.

In further awardsy news, 2012 Short Lister Grimes is nominated for mtvU’s “Woodie of the year.” She’s up against A&AP Rocky, Kendrick Lamar and a few other exactly-cool-enough-for-school acts.

And continuing the awards-related theme, 2007 Short Lister Julie Doiron‘s album with the Wooden Stars that won the Juno Awards alternative album of the year in 2000 is getting reissued. That Juno year she beat out Thrush Hermit, Len, Danko Jones and Tricky Woo in a stacked category.

Past Short- and Long-Listers Tegan And Sara continue to be everywhere all the time promoting their recently released album, Heartthrob. Here are their two best recent media wins:

1) A series of insightful Valentine’s Day-themed interviews with celebrities.

2) An insightful look at what’s in their purses. (Spoiler: Mexican cash, Oregonol.)

Dallas Good, one of the Tommy Hunter-suited members of The Sadies, was recently quizzed by CBC Music about his five favourite albums and past Polaris champs Fucked Up and first-year Short-Listers the Deadly Snakes figured prominently.

Past Short- and Long-Lister The Weeknd has a new video out for “Twenty Eight.” Warning: There are boobies.

Cadence Weapon, who’s had three separate albums Short- or Long-List, has also released a video for his song “Hype Man.” There are less boobies.

Entering into the social responsibility portion of this week’s news, a number of Hamilton, Ontario-area musicians are mighty unimpressed with a proposal to plop a casino in the city’s downtown. A few of the Polaris People standing up against the casino include Junior Boys, Caribou, Bruce Peninsula and Tom Wilson.

Oh, and in case you haven’t noticed, Canada’s having a soul-ful moment right now.

Finally, happy birthday to our friends at CBC Music, who celebrate their first anniversary. May your toilet training prove fruitful into your second year.


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