Countdown to Polaris Gala
Long List / TBA
Short List / TBA
Polaris Gala / Sep 16
Heritage Prize / TBA



Polaris People For The Week Of June 21: Metz's Chad VanAnimation and Fucked Up Food

· by Aaron Brophy

Congratulations to RM Hubbert who just won this year’s SAY Award, Scotland’s answer to the Polaris, last night for the album Thirteen Lost & Found.

Hubbert’s reaction to winning was comfortingly similar to that of many Polaris winners after their victories.

“Thank you so much for all of the very, very kind messages. I’m extremely drunk. And extremely happy,” he said.

Now that the 2013 Long List has been announced we’re down to 40 acts who could end up drunk and happy when that giant novelty Polaris cheque gets handed out on September 23.

Let’s see what some of these new and returning Polaris People have been up to recently.

This year we broke brave new ground when current Long Listers Les soeurs Boulay performed during the LL announcement in Montreal. Now the sisters have a new video out for “Des shooters de fort sur ton bras.” It features a very melancholy young lady.

Tegan And Sara
, another batch of sisters, have been busy confessing their love of cheesy ballads and obsession with Corey Hart’s “Sunglasses At Night.” Also, their “tomboy style” is now a fashion thing.

Noise rockers Metz have a disturbing new animated video for the song “Get Off.” The narrative video of a dolphin-slave-dog that’s about to get crushed up in a junkyard also happens to have a double-Polaris connection as it was created by twice-Short Listed Chad VanGaalen.

Classical rap entertainist Chilly Gonzales looked back at that period when he “played the supervillain.”

At the recent Toronto Polaris Salon jurors were pleading with the audience to give Majical Cloudz a fair shake despite having a “j” and a “z” in the band name. With some spiteful verbomaniacs already offside, the new video for “Bugs Don’t Bite” will probably turn entomophobes against Devon Welsh and company as well. Here’s why:

Official Polaris saxophonist Colin Stetson has been contemplating his future. He’s also on Twitter and really deserves more than 328 followers. If for no other reason than to follow what appears to be his ongoing quest to find the perfect Japanese breakfast.

In news that will shock nobody, Jace Lasek has compared his band The Besnard Lakes’ music to staring up at clouds and then suddenly seeing a UFO. It makes more sense if you read the story.

Ever wanted to see Hannah Georgas turn into a unicorn and get attacked by a gorilla? Well, now you can.

A sad farewell to our old home at the Masonic Temple, the former Rockpile/Concert Hall/MTV Canada headquarters and venue for multiple Polaris Galas has been sold to an IT firm. No more running around the building looking for secret passages for us.

Finally, former Polaris champs Fucked Up have recently been honoured in a way that perhaps no award could ever match — rock ‘n’ roll nacho peddlers Sneaky Dee’s have created two new dishes named after the prog hardcore band. The “Queen Of Heart Attacks” plate features four kinds of pork.


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