Countdown to Polaris Gala
Long List / TBA
Short List / TBA
Polaris Gala / Sep 16
Heritage Prize / TBA



Polaris People For The Week Of November 30: Shad's Dream Song And Grimes' Dream Cereal

· by Aaron Brophy

Now that we’ve successfully conquered New York City the sky’s the limit from here. Think of it as some Mary Tyler Moore/Jeffersons montage of Polaris staffers ushering our beloved Prize towards the big-time. Except because we’re Canadian and it’s starting to get cold we’ll all be wearing toques.

To call attention to a weak transition, however cold it may be our favourite people, the Polaris People, remain as hot as ever, though.

Here’s what some of them were up to this week:

Remember Julie Doiron Day? Y’know, that annual party that happened in Bruno, SK each year? Well, the people who worked at the art gallery that started that idea have a book now. It includes a CD from Daniel, Fred and Julie.

Anyone follow Gawker’s “Florida” tag? It’s a rich study of humanity. We only mention it because 2012 Short Listers Japandroids have been touring down in those parts and did an interview with the Independent Florida Alligator. It’s good to know the independent press down south has a chomping spirit.

On the gossip front, fellow 2012 Short Lister Drake won’t be charged in that Chris Brown bar brawl that happened awhile back. More importantly, Torontoist dug into Dalton Higgins new book about him. And in unrelated news, Kenya’s CapitalFM has an article with the rapper giving with some relationship advice. Example: “You've got to be comfortable enough to be completely naked with lights on and the curtains open.” (Truth, they repurposed the interview, but it gave us a flimsy excuse to suggest he talked to someone in Kenya.)

The Metric-have-become-an-arena-band tour across Canada has finally wound down. Center of the universe operatives from The Grid and The Globe And Mail were among those who did advance interviews. The Toronto Star did a live review. And obligatory photo galleries of Emily Haines can be found here, here and here.

Twice Short Listed rapper Shad was in a confessional mood with CBC Music. His dream Franken-song would feature “Curtis Mayfield on the hook, Preemo and Kanye on the beat with Brian Wilson consulting on the arrangement, and a guest verse from André 3000.”

That Dears documentary about the band’s adventures in Mexico is airing on CBC this weekend. National Post caught up with singer Murray Lightburn, who talked about what it’s like to turn one’s band history into a documentary. Additionally, guitarist Patrick Krief has an interview with Midnight Poutine about his solo project.

Former Short and Long Lister Abel Tesfaye, known to lovelorn ladies everywhere as The Weeknd, conducted a proper “interview” with NME. Among his insights: “I make good music for long journeys.”

Sarah Harmer, the 2006 Short Lister who’s basically become a prettier David Suzuki, has turned her attention to protecting Canadian waterways.

Grimes really, really likes Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Also, the folks at the Guardian think she’s a big deal.

Finally, the folks at the Hillside Festival have announced the lineup for their annual Hillside Inside event being held February 1-3. There’ll be no shortage of Polaris People repping, including Great Lake Swimmers, Elliott Brood, K’naan, Hannah Georgas and Doug Paisley.


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