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Polaris People July 20: Fucked Up

· by Aaron Brophy

You’ve all heard about the recently announced 2012 Short List right? OK, good.

This sexy new Short List has made for mighty busy times here in Polaris People Land. So busy, in fact, that we don’t even have the time or space to tell you cool stuff like the fact that Arcade Fire have a new album coming, Dan Mangan just announced a new tour, Brendan Canning is scoring a Lindsay Lohan film, or Shad just put out a kickin’ retro mixtape.

I seriously wish we could let you know about stuff like that. But no, right now we need to concentrate on 2012 Short List aftermath.

Let’s start first with what some of this year’s Short Listers have been up to.

It looks like the Pitchfork Festival was tapped into the Short List spirit because the Chicago Tribute was digging Feist and Japandroids while the New York Times was feeling Feist and Grimes.

The Fun Fun Fun Fest is probably going to be loud loud loud because it’s getting both Japandroids and Fucked Up.

The folks at This magazine are finding YAMANTAKA // SONIC TITAN an artful addition to the proceedings.

Cadence Weapon has been telling folks you shouldn’t front on Drake.

And Drake? He’s just been, y’know, planning cruises with Rihanna, buying $8 million dollar houses, and trying to end violence.

Then there’s the media analysis of the Short List.

At the National Post they want people to know they had the foresight to cover each and every Short Lister in the past. Except YAMANTAKA // SONIC TITAN

It’s OK, though, the kids at Spin were a little bit new to the noh-wave scene, too.

While over at Chromewaves they did manage to include YT//ST.

At The Globe And Mail they boldly predicted that one of Kathleen Edwards, Feist or Grimes will be the ultimate winner this year.

The folks at Yahoo spent some time cataloging who didn’t make the cut — with specific emphasis on The Sheepdogs and Marianas Trench.

And the Toronto Star peeps are tickled by the notion of Fucked Up, Drake and YAMANTAKA // SONIC TITAN battling it out for the same award.

That doesn’t even include the stories over at, CBC, Spinner, The New Music, far afield publications like the Guardian, Billboard, NME or Consequence Of Sound, or any of the other many other local and national outlets.

Basically, this year’s Short List is a big deal.


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