Countdown to Polaris Gala
Long List / TBA
Short List / TBA
Polaris Gala / Sep 16
Heritage Prize / TBA

Tag archive: 2016 Heritage Prize (2)


2016 Slaight Family Polaris Heritage Prize Winning Albums Announced

The eight winning albums for the 2016 Slaight Family Polaris Heritage Prize have been announced. The winners were chosen from four Short Lists, each representing a different musical era (1960-75, 1976-85, 1986-95, 1996-2005), and were curated by juries of music historians and music media. Two winners for each era were chosen — one by public vote […]

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2016 Slaight Family Polaris Heritage Prize Nominees Revealed, Voting Open

The nominated albums for the 2016 Slaight Family Polaris Heritage Prize have been revealed. The Heritage Prize will feature a 10 album Short List for each of four distinct musical eras — 1960-75, 1976-85, 1986-95 and 1996-2005. Each era’s Short List was curated by an expert panel of Canadian music media and historians. The winner […]

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