Polaris People For The Week Of April 13 ““ Dears Rant, Free Malajube, Metric Accusations And More
If last month was supposed to be <a href = 'http://polarismusicprize.ca/article/373/polaris-people-for-the-week-of-april-6-plants-and-animals-owen-pallett-great-lake-swimmers-and-more/'>Death March</a>, what’s this month? April-calypse? 'Cause it sure doesn’t feel any less busy.
Here at Polaris Central we’ve been up to all kinds of things. We’ve got Salons happening in <a href = 'http://polarismusicprize.ca/article/377/toronto-new-juror-initiation-night-salon-happening-april-17-2012-in-toronto/'>Toronto</a> and <a href = 'http://polarismusicprize.ca/article/375/the-shivers-by-slam-dunk-happening-april-17-2012-in-vancouver/'>Vancouver</a> on April 17, then one in Montreal on April 28. On top of that, two of the Salons we did in February in <a href = 'http://polarismusicprize.ca/article/376/vancouver-polaris-salon-podcast-for-feb-21-2012-online-at-aux-tv/'>Vancouver</a> and <a href = 'http://polarismusicprize.ca/article/378/montreal-polaris-salon-podcast-for-feb-25-2012-online-at-aux-tv/'>Montreal</a> are now podcasts courtesy of AUX TV.
We aren’t the only ones being busy, though. The actual musicians, the whole reason we exist, were full-on working, too.