Countdown to Polaris Gala
Long List / TBA
Short List / TBA
Polaris Gala / Sep 16
Heritage Prize / TBA

Polaris People For The Week Of April 13 ““ Dears Rant, Free Malajube, Metric Accusations And More

· by Aaron Brophy

If last month was supposed to be <a href = ''>Death March</a>, what’s this month? April-calypse? 'Cause it sure doesn’t feel any less busy.

Here at Polaris Central we’ve been up to all kinds of things. We’ve got Salons happening in <a href = ''>Toronto</a> and <a href = ''>Vancouver</a> on April 17, then one in Montreal on April 28. On top of that, two of the Salons we did in February in <a href = ''>Vancouver</a> and <a href = ''>Montreal</a> are now podcasts courtesy of AUX TV.

We aren’t the only ones being busy, though. The actual musicians, the whole reason we exist, were full-on working, too.

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Polaris People For The Week Of April 6 ““ Plants And Animals, Owen Pallett, Great Lake Swimmers And More

· by Aaron Brophy

Death March is over. At last.

Don't know what that is? It's a uniquely Canadian music experience where each year during the month of March bands, label people, writers and "miscellaneous" do SXSW in Austin, Texas one week, then Canadian Music Week in Toronto, Ontario the next, then the Juno Awards in some random Canadian city the week after.

Basically it leaves everyone who likes music hungover, flu-ridden and full of STDs.

We've got the cure for all of it, though: A nice cup of tea, some biscuits, and 15 minutes by yourself to click through what the best of the best, the Polaris People have been up to this week.

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Polaris People For The Week Of March 30 – Radio Radio Songs, Mangan Breakouts, Arcade Fire Vids And More

· by Aaron Brophy

Right about now just about everyone in the Canadian music universe is heading to Ottawa, Ontario to hang with our cousin, the <strong>Juno Awards</strong>. Polaris jurors will be all over the event, as will many, many artists who've been nominated for the Polaris Short and Long List over the years.

While folks have been making <a href = ''>establishing betting lines</a>, telling us <a href = '–juno-awards-2012-what-to-expect-on-sunday'>what to expect</a>, and <a href = ''>making bold predictions about</a> who the winners will be, we're more concerned with how the Juno results will affect Polaris voting in a couple months. After all, if, as <a href = ''>has been suggested</a>, the likes of Dan Mangan and Cuff the Duke, win Junos, who's to say the big P Prize won't be theirs either? We'll find out in September.

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Shooting Star: Dustin Rabin

· by Tab S.

The Polaris team is lucky to work with a multitude of awesome folks within the music industry — one such talent is our Gala photographer, Dustin Rabin. We asked the busy lensman to tell us a bit about shooting the ceremony over the years, his many career milestones, and going behind the scenes with a certain Beatle.

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Polaris People For The Week Of March 23 – Cadence Weapon, Feist, Shadowy Sadies On A Shadowy Planet And More

· by Aaron Brophy

We're deep in Canadian Music Week over here in Polarisland. That hasn't stopped some of our juror-type friends from thinking ahead, however.

Never one to shy from a good debate, CBC Music personality and frequent Polaris host <strong>Grant Lawrence</strong> has already started <a href = ''>soliciting jurors</a> in the lead-up to the June 14 Polaris Long List announcement.

If that article's any indication, there's going to be a lot more Dan Mangan and Rich Aucoin in future Polaris People columns.

But not this week.

No, we've got other artists to talk about. Namely Arcade Fire, Cadence Weapon, The Sadies and Tegan And Sara. Find out why by clicking through.

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Polaris Approved Acts Are All Over Canadian Music Week 2012

· by Aaron Brophy

Now entering its 30th year, Canadian Music Week has long been a showcase for the best and brightest of Canuck talent.

Taking place March 21-25 in Toronto, hundreds of bands both domestic and international will be plying their trade in dozens of venues across the city during the fest. Unsurprisingly, a number of Polaris Short and Long List artists will be performing shows.

We compiled a list of all the Polaris-vetted artists who are performing at CMW. Click through to see the full list.

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Polaris People For The Week Of March 16 ““ Kathleen Edwards Cravings, Tegan, Sara And Alligators, Plaskett Gets High And More

· by Aaron Brophy

Right. Just to reinforce the obvious, the three most important dates to remember in the Judeo-Christian calendar right now are June 14, July 17 and September 24 — the dates for the Polaris Music Prize Long and Short List announcements, and Polaris Gala, respectively.

Just think, we're only a few months away from adding some new names into that super-exclusive Skull And Bones-like secret society known as the Polaris People.

Some of those Polaris People were ruling the world in their own special way again this week. Like Kathleen Edwards, Tegan And Sara, Joel Plaskett, The Weeknd and Great Lake Swimmers. Click through to read about it.

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Polaris People For The Week Of March 9 ““ Elliott Brood Hostage Crises, Dan Mangan Puppetry, Wolf Parade Swervedriven And More

· by Aaron Brophy

The Meteor Choice Music Prize, Ireland's Polaris brother, <a href = ''>recently named</a> Jape its 2011 winner for the "Oceans Of Frequency" album. Likewise, down under The Jezabels have <a href = ''>just won</a> the Australian Music Prize for their record "Prisoner. If that doesn't get you in the mood to start thinking about what's going to make the 2012 Polaris lists nothing will.

And whoever does make the 2012 Polaris lists will be in good company. They'll get to say they're peers with the likes of Dan Mangan, Caribou and Arcade Fire, who all made interesting news this week.

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Polaris People For The Week Of March 2 ““ Dears Heart CKUT, Sadies Meet Pinsent, Pallett's Secret Show And More

· by Aaron Brophy

We can now say we've officially gone nationwide with our recent four-city "Half Year In Review" Polaris Salon tour. And there's more coming. Stay tuned for announcements of upcoming Salons in various cities and set your calendars for the next artist-centric Salon when <a href = ''>Exclaim's</a> David Dacks <a href = ''>discusses </a>the merits of "The Other Side Of Tomorrow" By <strong>The Slakadeliqs</strong> in Toronto on March 6.

Meanwhile, Polaris People like The Dears, Kathleen Edwards, K'naan and a bunch more have been making news. Click through to find out what.

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Polaris People For The Week Of Feb. 24 ““ Fucked Up Party Times, Shad Drum Lessons, Arcade Fire Crushes And More

· by Aaron Brophy

That tingle you’re feeling right now isn’t allergies or spring fever, it’s your sub-conscious reminding you that we’re this close to announcing the official Polaris Long List, Short List and Awards Gala dates. Stay tuned for those coming soon.

Meanwhile, Polaris People like Fucked Up, Patrick Watson, Shad, Black Mountain and Metric are all in the news.

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